

  • 文書番号
  • 英語最新版ダウンロード
  • 日本語版
  • 概要
  • お気に入り
  • Additional License Terms for STM32CubeH7RS
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  • Additional License Terms for STM32CubeU0
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  • Certificate of compliance LoRaWAN certified product delivered to ST
  • -
  • Certificate of compliance LoRaWAN certified product delivered to USI®
  • CTF_LoRaWAN_Murata
  • -
  • Certificate of compliance LoRaWAN certified product delivered to Murata®
  • Data monitoring and visualization tool for STM32
  • -
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  • DB0457
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  • Full-featured cost-effective emulation system for ST microcontrollers
  • DB1033
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  • Discovery kit for STM32F100 Value line
  • DB1053
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  • STM8L ultralow power Discovery
  • DB1054
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  • STM3210E-EVAL evaluation board
  • DB1059
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  • STM8/128-EVAL evaluation board
  • DB1060
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  • STM8L101-EVAL evaluation board
  • DB1062
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  • STM3210C-EVAL evaluation board
  • DB1068
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  • STM8L1526-EVAL evaluation board
  • DB1069
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  • STM8S access Discovery
  • DB1070
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  • STM8S touch sensing evaluation kit
  • DB1072
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  • In-circuit debugger/programmer for STM8 and STM32
  • DB1113
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  • STM8A/128-EVAL evaluation board
  • DB1115
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  • ST Visual Develop IDE for developing STM8 applications
  • DB1118
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  • Motor control starter kit
  • DB1148
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  • STM8/128-MCKIT motor control starter kit
  • DB1183
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  • STM Studio run-time variables monitoring and visualization tool for STM32 microcontrollers
  • DB1202
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  • STM8L1528-EVAL evaluation board
  • DB1234
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  • STM32100E-EVAL evaluation board
  • DB1235
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  • Evaluation board with STM32F207IGH6 MCU
  • DB1245
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  • STM32 audio engine - MP3 codec library
  • DB1246
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  • STM32 audio engine - MP3 decoder library
  • DB1247
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  • STM32 audio engine - WMA decoder library
  • DB1248
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  • Evaluation board with STM32F217IGH6 MCU
  • DB1275
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  • ST-LINK/V2 in-circuit debugger/programmer for STM8 and STM32
  • DB1277
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  • Discovery kits for STM32L151/152 line
  • DB1400
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  • Motor control starter kit
  • DB1421
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  • Discovery kit with STM32F407VG MCU
  • DB1430
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  • Evaluation board with STM32F407IGH6 MCU
  • DB1468
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  • Discovery kit with STM8S003K3 MCU
  • DB1475
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  • eMotion: ST MEMS adapters motherboard based on the STM32F103RE compatible with all ST MEMS adapters
  • DB1558
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  • STM32L152D-EVAL evaluation board
  • DB1580
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  • Discovery kit for STM32F051xx microcontrollers
  • DB1739
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  • Discovery kit with STM32F303VC MCU
  • DB1741
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  • Evaluation board for STM32F373xx microcontrollers
  • DB1759
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  • STM8A-DISCOVERY Discovery kit for STM8A microcontrollers
  • DB1808
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  • STMTouch library
  • DB1843
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  • Expansion boards for the STM32F4 Discovery kit
  • DB1918
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  • STAudioHub USB interface board based on MP34DT01 and STM32
  • DB1926
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  • STM32 embedded target for MATLAB and Simulink
  • DB2042
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  • Discovery kit with STM32F429ZI MCU
  • DB2043
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  • Evaluation board for the STM32F429 line
  • DB2044
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  • Evaluation board with STM32F439NI MCU
  • DB2102
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  • Discovery kit for STM32F072xx microcontrollers
  • DB2163
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  • STM32 configuration and initialization C code generation
  • DB2164
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  • STM32Cube embedded software for STM32F4 series including HAL drivers, USB, Ethernet, File System, RTOS and Graphics
  • DB2170
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  • Evaluation board for STM32 F0 series with STM32F072VB MCU
  • DB2185
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  • STM32F0xx Snippets firmware package
  • DB2187
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  • STM32 PMSM FOC Software Development Kit
  • DB2196
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  • STM32 Nucleo-64 boards
  • DB2240
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  • STM32 and STM8 product finder for mobile devices and desktops
  • DB2242
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  • STM32F0x2xx USB Full Speed device library
  • DB2250
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  • STM32Cube™ embedded software for STM32F2 series including HAL drivers, USB, Ethernet, File System, RTOS and Graphics
  • DB2269
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  • STM32F0xx Standard Peripherals library
  • DB2288
  • -
  • Current consumption estimation tool
  • DB2304
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  • Using STM32F4 MCU power modes with best dynamic efficiency
  • DB2316
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  • Bluetooth low energy expansion board based on BlueNRG for STM32 Nucleo
  • DB2318
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  • STM32Cube™ embedded software for STM32L0 series including HAL and Low Layer drivers, USB, File System, RTOS and Touch sensing
  • DB2343
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  • Discovery kit for STM32F334 line
  • DB2347
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  • STM32Cube embedded software for STM32F0 series including HAL and Low Layer drivers, USB, File System, RTOS and Touch sensing
  • DB2348
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  • STM32Cube embedded software for STM32F3 series including HAL drivers, USB, File System, RTOS, Graphics and Touch sensing
  • DB2353
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  • Dynamic NFC tag expansion board based on M24SR for STM32 Nucleo
  • DB2356
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  • Discovery kit for STM32L0 Series
  • DB2357
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  • STM32L0xx Snippets firmware package
  • DB2360
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  • Stepper motor driver expansion board based on L6474 for STM32 Nucleo
  • DB2382
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  • NFC card reader expansion board based on CR95HF for STM32 Nucleo
  • DB2383
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  • Dynamic NFC tag IC expansion board based on M24LR04E for STM32 Nucleo
  • DB2393
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  • Evaluation board for STM32F301/302/303 lines - with STM32F303VE MCU
  • DB2399
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  • Evaluation board for STM32F0x1 line - with STM32F091VC MCU
  • DB2411
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  • STM32Cube embedded software for STM32L1 series including HAL drivers, USB, File System, RTOS, Graphics and Touch sensing
  • DB2434
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  • Discovery kit for STM32F411 line
  • DB2442
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  • Sensor and motion algorithm software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB2456
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  • STM32Cube software expansion for the X-NUCLEO-IHM01A1 expansion board
  • DB2461
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  • Bluetooth Low Energy software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB2473
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  • Proximity and ambient light sensor expansion board based on VL6180X for STM32 Nucleo
  • DB2476
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  • High power stepper motor driver expansion board based on powerSTEP01 for STM32 Nucleo
  • DB2485
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  • STM32Cube embedded software for STM32F1 series including HAL drivers, USB, Ethernet, File System, RTOS and Graphics
  • DB2487
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  • Maximizing power efficiency using STM32F411 Batch Acquisition Mode
  • DB2489
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  • Evaluation board with STM32L476ZG MCU
  • DB2497
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  • STM32F4 audio processing components
  • DB2512
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  • High power stepper motor driver software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB2524
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  • Evaluation board with STM32F446ZE MCU
  • DB2538
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  • STM32 SMBus / PMBus™ embedded software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB2542
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  • Evaluation board with STM32L073VZ MCU
  • DB2552
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  • Sub-1 GHz RF expansion board based on the SPSGRF-868 module for STM32 Nucleo
  • DB2553
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  • Sub-1 GHz RF expansion board based on SPSGRF-915 module for STM32 Nucleo
  • DB2559
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  • Implementing the ADPCM algorithm in STM32F1xx and STM32L1xx microcontrollers
  • DB2564
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  • Evaluation board with STM32F756NG MCU
  • DB2565
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  • Evaluation board with STM32F746NG MCU
  • DB2566
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  • Implementing an emulated universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter on STM32F4 series
  • DB2577
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  • STM32L0xx and STM32L4xx calibration software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB2582
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  • Discovery kit with STM32F746NG MCU
  • DB2587
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  • STM32L1xx standard peripherals library
  • DB2588
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  • STM32Cube embedded software demo of power consumption using LPUART
  • DB2589
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  • STM32Cube in-application programming using the USART embedded software
  • DB2592
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  • Bluetooth Low Energy expansion board based on the SPBTLE-RF module for STM32 Nucleo
  • DB2593
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  • Digital MEMS microphones expansion board based on MP34DT01-M for STM32 Nucleo
  • DB2601
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  • STM32Cube embedded software for STM32F7 series including HAL drivers, USB, Ethernet, File System, RTOS and Graphics
  • DB2602
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  • STM32Cube embedded software for STM32L4 series including HAL and Low Layer drivers, USB, File System, RTOS, Graphics and Touch sensing
  • DB2616
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  • STM32F7 performance software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB2622
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  • Industrial input/output expansion board based on VNI8200XP and CLT01-38SQ7 for STM32 Nucleo
  • DB2633
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  • Dual brush DC motor driver expansion board based on L6206 for STM32 Nucleo
  • DB2636
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  • Dual brush DC motor driver software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB2638
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  • STM32 Nucleo-32 board
  • DB2639
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  • Bipolar stepper motor driver expansion board based on the L6208 for STM32 Nucleo
  • DB2640
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  • Bipolar stepper motor driver software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB2641
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  • Proprietary code read-out protection (PCROP), software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB2644
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  • Evaluation board with STM32F479NI MCU
  • DB2645
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  • Evaluation board with STM32F469NI MCU
  • DB2647
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  • Firmware upgrade for ST-LINK, ST-LINK/V2 and ST-LINK/V2-1 boards
  • DB2650
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  • Discovery kit with STM32F469NI MCU
  • DB2659
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  • Full-duplex SPI emulation software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB2660
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  • STM32 crypto library software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB2661
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  • Maximizing power efficiency using batch acquisition mode (BAM), software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB2665
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  • Three-phase brushless DC motor driver expansion board based on L6230 for STM32 Nucleo
  • DB2666
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  • STM32 Nucleo packs FOC and 6-step motor control platform for three-phase, low-voltage and low-current motor
  • DB2668
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  • Multifunctional expansion board based on operational amplifiers for STM32 Nucleo
  • DB2669
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  • STM32F4xx standard peripherals library
  • DB2694
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  • USB driver for ST-LINK/V2 and ST-LINK/V2-1
  • DB2698
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  • Two axis stepper motor driver expansion board based on the L6470 for STM32 Nucleo
  • DB2712
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  • DfuSe USB device firmware upgrade extension
  • DB2721
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  • Motor control connector expansion board for STM32 Nucleo
  • DB2726
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  • Wi-Fi expansion board based on SPWF01SA module for STM32 Nucleo
  • DB2740
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  • STM32CubeMX Eclipse plug-in for STM32 configuration and initialization C code generation
  • DB2741
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  • STM32F30x/31x standard peripherals library
  • DB2753
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  • Sound terminal software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB2756
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  • Sound terminal expansion board based on STA350BW for STM32 Nucleo
  • DB2778
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  • Low-Voltage BLDC motor driver expansion board based on STL220N6F7 for STM32 Nucleo
  • DB2780
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  • DC-DC LED driver expansion board based on LED6001 for STM32 Nucleo
  • DB2784
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  • 96Boards Mezzanine board with STM32F446 MCU and sensors
  • DB2790
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  • STM32F7 low-power consumption management,software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB2794
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  • STM32F105/7,STM32F2 and STM32F4 USB On-The-Go host and device library
  • DB2803
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  • BlueNRG GUI SW package
  • DB2809
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  • Dynamic NFC/RFID tag IC software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB2824
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  • Class B 60730-1 and 60335-1 Functional Safety Package with software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB2825
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  • Functional safety package based on Standard Peripheral libraries to achieve IEC 60730 Class B certification with the STM32
  • DB2826
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  • Functional Safety Package to achieve IEC 60730 Class B certification with the STM8
  • DB2833
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  • ST Visual Programmer for STM32 MCUs
  • DB2834
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  • STM Studio run-time variables monitoring and visualization tool for STM8 microcontrollers
  • DB2838
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  • BLE stack image packages
  • DB2852
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  • STM32Cube function pack for IoT node with BLE connectivity and environmental and motion sensors
  • DB2862
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  • STM32Cube function pack for IoT node with BLE connectivity and Time-of-Flight sensors
  • DB2874
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  • STM8 Flash loader demonstrator
  • DB2875
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  • STM32 Flash loader demonstrator
  • DB2876
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  • Discovery kit with STM32F769NI MCU
  • DB2877
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  • Evaluation board with STM32F769NI MCU
  • DB2878
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  • Evaluation board with STM32F779NI MCU
  • DB2885
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  • STM32WB55CC: Multiprotocol wireless 32-bit MCU Arm®-based Cortex®-M4 with FPU, Bluetooth® Low Energy and 802.15.4 radio solution
  • DB2885
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  • Multiprotocol wireless 32-bit MCU Arm®-based Cortex®-M4 with FPU, Bluetooth® Low Energy and 802.15.4 radio solution
  • DB2887
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  • Implementing transmitters and receivers for infrared remote control protocols, software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB2890
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  • Discovery kit with STM32F412ZG MCU
  • DB2896
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  • 13.56 MHz multi-protocol contactless transceiver IC software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB2901
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  • Ranging and gesture detection sensor expansion board based on VL53L0X for STM32 Nucleo
  • DB2905
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  • VL53L0X Nucleo pack with ranging, gesture detection sensor expansion board and STM32F401RE
  • DB2925
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  • Writing to non-volatile memory without disrupting code execution on STM32L0/L1 Series software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB2927
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  • Digital signal processing with STM32 software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB2929
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  • Smartcard interface with the STM32F10x and STM32L1xx microcontrollers
  • DB2931
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  • BlueNRG-1, BlueNRG-2 DK SW package
  • DB2938
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  • RTC (real-time clock) software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB2940
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  • Audio effects libraries software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB2942
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  • Programming an external Flash memory using the UART bootloader built-in STM32, software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB2943
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  • 24 V Intelligent power switch expansion board based on VPS2535H for STM32 Nucleo
  • DB2956
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  • SensorTile development kit
  • DB2957
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  • STM32 USB-PD (Power Delivery) software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB2961
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  • STM32 LoRa software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB2963
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  • SensorTile connectable sensor node: plug or solder
  • DB2975
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  • In-application programming with SD cards software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB2979
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  • Low voltage stepper motor driver expansion board based on the STSPIN220 for STM32 Nucleo
  • DB2983
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  • STM32 Nucleo pack for LoRa® technology and high-performance FSK/OOK RF transceiver modem
  • DB2984
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  • Low voltage stepper motor driver software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB2988
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  • Low voltage three-phase brushless DC motor driver expansion board based on STSPIN230 for STM32 Nucleo
  • DB3006
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  • Migration guidelines from PIC18 to STM32F0 Series with software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB3009
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  • Motion MEMS and environmental sensor expansion board for STM32 Nucleo
  • DB3012
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  • Low-power timer (LPTIM) applicative use-cases on STM32 MCUs software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB3036
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  • Low voltage dual brush DC motor driver software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB3037
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  • Low voltage dual brush DC motor driver expansion board based on STSPIN240 for STM32 Nucleo
  • DB3044
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  • 16 channel LED driver expansion board based on LED1642GW for STM32 Nucleo
  • DB3053
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  • Flash memory dual bank structure optimized usage software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB3068
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  • STM32 ST-LINK utility for STM32 MCUs
  • DB3074
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  • Achieving 32-bit timer resolution with software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB3090
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  • Discovery kit for LoRaWAN™ and LPWAN protocols with STM32L0
  • DB3094
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  • Advanced BLDC controller with embedded STM32 MCU evaluation board
  • DB3097
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  • Discovery kit with STM32F413ZH MCU
  • DB3105
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  • Discovery kit with STM32F723IE MCU
  • DB3106
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  • Floating point unit demonstration on STM32 microcontrollers, software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB3116
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  • Achieving 32-bit timer resolution with software expansion for Standard Peripheral Library
  • DB3118
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  • STM32H7x3 performance software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB3120
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  • Evaluation SW package based on S2-LP
  • DB3129
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  • Evaluation SW package based on S2-LP
  • DB3131
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  • Low voltage brush DC motor driver expansion board for STM32 Nucleo based on the STSPIN250
  • DB3141
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  • STSPIN250 low voltage brush DC motor driver software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB3143
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  • Discovery kit for IoT node, multi-channel communication with STM32L4
  • DB3157
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  • Sub-1GHz (860-940 MHz) transceiver development kit based on S2-LP
  • DB3160
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  • Discovery kit with STM32L496AG MCU
  • DB3161
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  • STM32Cube embedded software for STM32WB Series including LL and HAL drivers, Bluetooth® 5 and Thread® libraries, RTOS, and touch sensing
  • DB3169
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  • USI® LoRa® expansion board for STM32 Nucleo
  • DB3171
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  • STM32 Nucleo-144 ボード データ ブリーフ
  • DB3174
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  • PWM resolution enhancement through a dithering technique with software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB3182
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  • STM8 configuration tool
  • DB3190
  • -
  • STM32 and STM8 product finder for desktops
  • DB3215
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  • STM32 Amazon web services IoT software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB3229
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  • Wi-Fi expansion board based on SPWF04SA module for STM32 Nucleo
  • DB3232
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  • STM32Cube function pack for IoT sensor node with telemetry and device control applications for Amazon AWS Cloud
  • DB3235
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  • STM32H743XI, STM32H753XI 評価ボード データ ブリーフ
  • DB3239
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  • Evaluation board with STM32H753XI MCU
  • DB3241
  • -
  • Discovery kit with STM32L4R9AI MCU
  • DB3259
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  • STM32Cube embedded software for STM32H7 Series including HAL drivers, USB, Ethernet, File System, RTOS and Graphics
  • DB3260
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  • STSW-BNRG-S2LP evaluation software package based on the BlueNRG-1/2 and S2-LP
  • DB3274
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  • STM32 Nucleo pack: electrochemical toxic gas sensor expansion board with CO sensor
  • DB3275
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  • STM32Cube function pack for MEMS microphone acquisition, advanced audio processing and audio output
  • DB3281
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  • Electrochemical gas sensor software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB3282
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  • Data transfer efficiency using MDMA software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB3297
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  • STM32H7x3 smart power management software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB3301
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  • Dynamic NFC/RFID tag IC expansion board based on ST25DV04K for STM32 Nucleo
  • DB3304
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  • ST-LINK server
  • DB3310
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  • Evaluation board with STM32L4R9AI MCU
  • DB3316
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  • Dynamic NFC/RFID tag IC software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB3321
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  • STM32 standard peripheral library to STM32Cube low-layer API migration tool
  • DB3322
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  • Microsoft Azure IoT software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB3323
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  • Sigfox™ software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB3326
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  • EEPROM emulation software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB3328
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  • Connectors for various cloud providers as software expansions for STM32Cube
  • DB3333
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  • NFC card reader expansion board based on ST25R3911B for STM32 Nucleo
  • DB3341
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  • High performance HF reader/NFC initiator IC software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB3343
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  • Secure boot and secure firmware update software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB3347
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  • STM32 Nucleo expansion board for power consumption measurement
  • DB3355
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  • Software tool for power and ultra-low-power measurements
  • DB3359
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  • IBM® IoT cloud software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB3364
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  • TSPIN32F0A advanced 3-phase BLDC driver with embedded STM32 MCU single shunt evaluation board
  • DB3381
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  • Firmware of the STM32 Nucleo expansion board for power consumption measurement
  • DB3382
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  • USB audio streaming software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB3399
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  • HSE trimming for STM32 Wireless MCUs software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB3400
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  • STM32 discovery pack for 2G/3G cellular to cloud
  • DB3411
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  • LC sensor metering for gas or water meter software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB3416
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  • Stepper motor driver expansion board based on STSPIN820 for STM32 Nucleo
  • DB3417
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  • Stepper motor driver software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB3420
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  • STM32CubeProgrammer all-in-one software tool
  • DB3444
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  • Global navigation satellite system software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB3479
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  • Long distance ranging Time-of-Flight sensor expansion board based on VL53L1X for STM32 Nucleo
  • DB3480
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  • Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for STM32 microcontrollers
  • DB3488
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  • STM32CubeMonitor-RF software tool
  • DB3492
  • -
  • Ultra-low-power Arm® Cortex®-M33 32-bit MCU+TrustZone®+FPU, 165DMIPS, up to 512KB Flash, 256KB SRAM, SMPS, AES+PKA
  • DB3497
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  • USB Type-C™ to DisplayPort™ adapter
  • DB3500
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  • Alexa Voice Service software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB3501
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  • IoT cloud generic software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB3512
  • -
  • Sub-1GHz (860-940 MHz) transceiver development kit based on S2-LP
  • DB3529
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  • STM32 Virtual COM port driver
  • DB3530
  • -
  • STM32 discovery pack for LTE IoT cellular to cloud
  • DB3548
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  • STM32 MC SDK software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB3551
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  • Sub-1GHz (430-470 MHz) transceiver development kit based on S2-LP
  • DB3557
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  • The RF-Flasher utility
  • DB3560
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  • 3kWフルブリッジLLC共振型デジタル電源評価キット
  • DB3576
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  • Dual brush DC motor driver expansion board based on STSPIN840 for STM32 Nucleo
  • DB3582
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  • Cellular connectivity software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB3591
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  • STM8 Nucleo-64 boards
  • DB3595
  • -
  • Functional safety design package to achieve IEC 61508 safety integrity level (SIL2 / SIL3) certification with STM32
  • DB3597
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  • Evaluation board with STM32G081RB MCU
  • DB3602
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  • Sub-1 GHz 868 MHz RF expansion board based on S2-LP radio for STM32 Nucleo
  • DB3608
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  • Discovery kit with STM32H747XI MCU
  • DB3609
  • -
  • Ultra-low-power Arm® Cortex®-M33 32-bit MCU+TrustZone®+FPU, 165 DMIPS, up to 512 KB Flash memory, 256 KB SRAM, SMPS
  • DB3613
  • -
  • Three-phase brushless DC motor driver expansion board based on STSPIN830 for STM32 Nucleo
  • DB3617
  • -
  • Evaluation board with STM32L552ZE MCU
  • DB3623
  • -
  • USB Type-C™ port manager (TCPM)/port controller (TCPC) evaluation board
  • DB3638
  • -
  • Sub-1GHz (452-527 MHz) transceiver development kit based on S2-LP
  • DB3659
  • -
  • STM32WB Nucleo-68 pack for wireless solutions
  • DB3679
  • -
  • Google Cloud Platform™ software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB3692
  • -
  • STLINK-V3SET debugger/programmer for STM8 and STM32
  • DB3712
  • -
  • Discovery kit with STM32F730I8 MCU
  • DB3713
  • -
  • Discovery kit with STM32F750N8 MCU
  • DB3726
  • -
  • STM32G0 Discovery kit for USB Type-C™ and Power Delivery
  • DB3728
  • -
  • Standard I²C and SPI EEPROM memory expansion board based on M24xx and M95xx series for STM32 Nucleo
  • DB3729
  • -
  • Standard I²C and SPI EEPROM software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB3734
  • -
  • STM32U585xx データブリーフ
  • DB3736
  • -
  • STLINK-V3MODS mini debugger and programmer for STM32 microcontrollers
  • DB3737
  • -
  • STLINK-V3MINI mini debugger/programmer for STM32
  • DB3740
  • -
  • Dual radio BLE and Sub-1GHz development kit for Sigfox™ and LPWAN protocols with BlueNRG-1 and S2-LP
  • DB3741
  • -
  • Discovery kits with STM32H745XI and STM32H750XB MCUs
  • DB3747
  • -
  • STM32CubeMonitor-UCPD software tool for USB Type-C™ Power Delivery port management
  • DB3748
  • -
  • Evaluation board with STM32G4xxQE MCU
  • DB3755
  • -
  • STM32H7x7XI 評価ボード データー ブリーフ
  • DB3759
  • -
  • STM32Cube embedded software for STM32G4 Series including HAL, low-layer drivers and dedicated middleware
  • DB3762
  • -
  • STM32Cube function pack for IoT tracker node with Sigfox™ connectivity, Bluetooth connectivity and sensors
  • DB3767
  • -
  • Industrial digital output expansion board based on ISO8200AQ for STM32 Nucleo
  • DB3783
  • -
  • TouchGFX Designer software tool for easy GUI creation and code generation on STM32
  • DB3785
  • -
  • STM32Cube function pack for ultra-low power IoT node with artificial intelligence (AI) application based on audio and motion sensing
  • DB3787
  • -
  • Electronic speed controller Discovery kit for drones with STM32G431CB
  • DB3788
  • -
  • Artificial intelligence (AI) software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB3796
  • -
  • STM32Cube MCU Package for STM32G0 Series with HAL, low-layer drivers and dedicated middleware
  • DB3800
  • -
  • Evaluation boards with STM32MP157 MPUs
  • DB3801
  • -
  • Discovery kits with STM32MP157 MPUs
  • DB3815
  • -
  • Online tool to access STM32/STM8 motor-control resources
  • DB3828
  • -
  • STM32 motor-control pack using the FOC algorithm for three-phase, low-voltage, and low-current motor evaluation
  • DB3834
  • -
  • STSAFE-A100 microcontroller expansion board
  • DB3835
  • -
  • Discovery kit with STM32G474RE MCU
  • DB3841
  • -
  • STM32MP1 Series starter package embedded software
  • DB3844
  • -
  • STM32MP1 Series developer package OpenSTLinux
  • DB3847
  • -
  • STM32CubeMP1 package
  • DB3848
  • -
  • Sequans® STMod+ cellular modem expansion board
  • DB3849
  • -
  • STM32MP1 Series distribution package embedded software
  • DB3851
  • -
  • Motion MEMS and environmental sensor expansion board for STM32 Nucleo
  • DB3871
  • -
  • Integrated development environment for STM32 products
  • DB3885
  • -
  • STM32MP157GPUTK package
  • DB3894
  • -
  • Discovery kit with STM32H7B3LI MCU
  • DB3900
  • -
  • Software API compatible with the bridge interface of STLINK-V3
  • DB3903
  • -
  • SensorTile.box wireless multi sensor development kit with user friendly app for IoT and wearable sensor applications
  • DB3910
  • -
  • STM32Cube STemWIN middleware for graphic user interface
  • DB3911
  • -
  • STM32Cube TouchGFX middleware for graphic user interface
  • DB3912
  • -
  • STM32Cube middleware for audio PDM to PCM conversion
  • DB3919
  • -
  • Hardware security module for secure programming
  • DB3933
  • -
  • STM32WL Nucleo-64 board
  • DB3937
  • -
  • Discovery kit with STM32L562QE MCU
  • DB3951
  • -
  • ST Asset Tracking application for Android and iOS
  • DB3955
  • -
  • Discovery kit with STM32G031J6 MCU
  • DB3962
  • -
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) and computer vision function pack for STM32Cube
  • DB3966
  • -
  • STM32Cube function pack for STM32WB with BLE connectivity and environmental and motion sensors
  • DB4000
  • -
  • STM32L power consumption optimization software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB4005
  • -
  • STM32 Nucleo starter pack with LoRa® HF band sensor and gateway
  • DB4008
  • -
  • STM32Cube function pack for the Pro Mode of wireless multi sensor development kits
  • DB4015
  • -
  • Motion MEMS and microphone MEMS expansion board for STM32 Nucleo
  • DB4016
  • -
  • Digital MEMS microphone expansion board based on MP34DT06J for STM32 Nucleo
  • DB4018
  • -
  • STM32Cube embedded software for STM32WL Series including LL and HAL drivers, LoRaWAN® and Sigfox™ stacks, KMS, STM32 Secure Engine, sub-GHz PHY, FatFS and FreeRTOS™
  • DB4021
  • -
  • STM32MP157x-EV1 評価ボード データ・ブリーフ
  • DB4026
  • -
  • STM32Cube embedded software for STM32L5 Series including LL and HAL drivers, USB, TLS, Crypto, touch library, FatFS, RTOS and TF-M
  • DB4028
  • -
  • STM32 Nucleo starter pack with LoRa® LF band sensor and gateway
  • DB4048
  • -
  • Sub-1 GHz 868 MHz RF expansion board based on S2-LP radio for STM32 Nucleo
  • DB4054
  • -
  • Sub-1 GHz 915 MHz RF expansion board based on S2-LP radio for STM32 Nucleo
  • DB4063
  • -
  • Proximity Time-of-Flight sensor expansion board based on VL6180 for STM32 Nucleo
  • DB4064
  • -
  • STSAFE-A110 software package with STSAFE-A110 software expansion for STM32CUBE
  • DB4072
  • -
  • Discovery kit with STM32L4P5AG MCU
  • DB4091
  • -
  • STM32H7B3LI 評価ボード データー ブリーフ
  • DB4098
  • -
  • TouchGFX optimized graphic framework software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB4133
  • -
  • AlgoBuilder firmware template generator expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB4146
  • -
  • STM32MP1 Series starter package for Android™
  • DB4149
  • -
  • STM32MP1 Series distribution package for Android™
  • DB4151
  • -
  • Run-time variables monitoring and visualization tool for STM32 devices
  • DB4159
  • -
  • Discovery kit with STM32H735IG MCU
  • DB4170
  • -
  • Bluetooth low energy expansion board based on the BLUENRG-M0 module for STM32 Nucleo
  • DB4184
  • -
  • Discovery kit for IoT node, multi-channel communication with STM32L4+ Series
  • DB4196
  • -
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) condition monitoring function pack for STM32Cube
  • DB4201
  • -
  • STM32 product finder mobile application
  • DB4207
  • -
  • Cloud Amazon-based web application for asset tracking
  • DB4217
  • -
  • Evaluation platform based on the BlueNRG-M2SA module
  • DB4220
  • -
  • Voltage adapter board for STLINK-V3SET
  • DB4236
  • -
  • SPI display expansion board for STM32 Nucleo
  • DB4249
  • STM32L4 シリーズを使用した LTE Cat.M/NBIoT 向けディスカバリ・キット
  • DB4255
  • -
  • AI Expansion Package for STM32 MPU OpenSTLinux
  • DB4257
  • -
  • BlueNRG-LP, BlueNRG-LPS DK SW package
  • DB4299
  • -
  • Display module software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB4303
  • -
  • STM32 ボード用 カメラモジュール
  • DB4305
  • -
  • Evaluation board with STM32G0C1VE MCU
  • DB4307
  • -
  • STM32H74xxx and STM32H75xxx dual-core OpenAMP application software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB4322
  • -
  • STM32Cube High Speed Datalog function pack
  • DB4331
  • -
  • Mesh over Bluetooth low energy
  • DB4338
  • -
  • STM32Cube function pack for P-NUCLEO-IOD02A1, with IO-Link stack, IODD and control software for industrial sensors
  • DB4345
  • -
  • STWIN SensorTile Wireless Industrial Node development kit and reference design for industrial IoT applications
  • DB4380
  • -
  • STM32U575xx データブリーフ
  • DB4388
  • -
  • STM32WB Nucleo-64 boards
  • DB4392
  • -
  • Evaluation kit for the B-UWB-MOD1 ultra-wideband module
  • DB4393
  • -
  • STM32Cube function pack for acoustic echo cancellation
  • DB4394
  • -
  • STLINK-V3SET用 アイソレーション/電圧 アダプタ・ボード
  • DB4398
  • -
  • Discovery kit with STM32WB5MMG module
  • DB4404
  • -
  • Ultra-wideband module for high-precision indoor location
  • DB4410
  • -
  • Discovery kit for IoT node with STM32U5 Series
  • DB4412
  • -
  • STM32H7 Series Azure® RTOS software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB4427
  • -
  • USB Type-C™ Power Delivery Sink expansion board based on TCPP01-M12 for STM32 Nucleo
  • DB4442
  • -
  • USB Type-C™ software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB4451
  • -
  • Evaluation board with STM32U575AI MCU
  • DB4467
  • -
  • Artificial intelligence (AI) and face recognition function pack for STM32Cube
  • DB4476
  • -
  • WiSE-Studio free IDE on Windows, Linux, MAC OS
  • DB4493
  • -
  • Legacy STM32 cryptographic library software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB4494
  • -
  • Multi-sensor AI data monitoring framework on wireless industrial node, function pack for STM32Cube
  • DB4511
  • -
  • STM32Cube embedded software for STM32U5 Series including LL and HAL drivers, USB, Crypto, touch library, File system, Networking, RTOS and TF-M
  • DB4513
  • -
  • Wi-Fi® firmware update for MXCHIP EMW3080B on STM32 boards
  • DB4515
  • -
  • USB Type-C™ Power Delivery dual role power (DRP) and dual role data (DRD) expansion board based on TCPP03-M20 for STM32 Nucleo
  • DB4533
  • -
  • Display expansion board for STM32 Nucleo-144
  • DB4537
  • -
  • STM32 MPU OpenSTLinux software expansion package for GNSS-based applications
  • DB4541
  • -
  • STLINK-V3MINIE debugger/programmer tiny probe for STM32 microcontrollers
  • DB4555
  • -
  • STM32Cube middleware enabling key management services
  • DB4556
  • -
  • STM32Cube middleware enabling secure engine
  • DB4560
  • -
  • STM32F4 Series Azure® RTOS software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB4564
  • -
  • Automated Machine Learning (ML) tool for STM32 microcontrollers
  • DB4566
  • -
  • STM32Cube function pack for STEVAL-STWINKT1B evaluation kit plus STEVAL-STWINWFV1 Wi-Fi adapter board for predictive maintenance application based on artificial intelligence (AI)
  • DB4569
  • -
  • STM32L4 Series and STM32L4+ Series Azure® RTOS software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB4594
  • -
  • STM32F7 Series Azure® RTOS software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB4595
  • -
  • STM32L5 Series Azure® RTOS software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB4596
  • -
  • STM32G4 Series Azure® RTOS software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB4597
  • -
  • STM32WLシリーズ・マイクロコントローラのリファレンス・デザイン
  • DB4617
  • -
  • Evaluation platform based on the BLUENRG-355MC system-on-chip
  • DB4619
  • -
  • Local voice user interface software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB4620
  • -
  • Discovery kit with STM32U5A9NJ MCU
  • DB4627
  • -
  • Discovery kit with STM32C031C6 MCU
  • DB4631
  • -
  • STM32Cube function pack for the STEVAL-ASTRA1B multiconnectivity asset tracking reference design
  • DB4638
  • -
  • STM32G0 Series Azure® RTOS software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB4639
  • -
  • STM32WBシリーズ向け STM32Cube Azure® RTOSソフトウェア・エクスパンション
  • DB4640
  • -
  • STM32WL Series Azure® RTOS software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB4649
  • -
  • Discovery kit with STM32C011F6 MCU
  • DB4656
  • -
  • STM32Cube embedded software for STM32C0 Series including LL and HAL drivers, ThreadX, FileX and OpenBL
  • DB4657
  • -
  • STM32Cube middleware enabling Sigfox™ connectivity
  • DB4659
  • -
  • ST Quuppa tag emulation
  • DB4677
  • -
  • STM32MP135F-DK (Discovery開発ボード)データー・ブリーフ
  • DB4677
  • -
  • Discovery kit with 1 GHz STM32MP135FA MPU
  • DB4690
  • -
  • Wireless motion detector based on Bluetooth® Low Energy and PIR sensor
  • DB4691
  • -
  • STM32Cube用セキュアファームウェアインストール(SFI)ソフトウェアの拡張
  • DB4718
  • -
  • Evaluation platform based on the BlueNRG-LP system-on-chip
  • DB4724
  • -
  • BlueNRG-LP Bluetooth® LE profiles SW package
  • DB4753
  • -
  • STM32 MPU OpenSTLinux software expansion package for X-STM32MPIOT01E and X-STM32MP-IOT01A
  • DB4759
  • -
  • STM32Cube向け USB給電とUCSI(USB Type-C®コネクタ・システム・ソフトウェア)のインタフェース)ソフトウェア拡張
  • DB4774
  • -
  • Bluetooth® Low Energy manager software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB4776
  • -
  • STM32Cube function pack for STEVAL-PROTEUS1 evaluation kit for anomaly detection based on artificial intelligence (AI)
  • DB4788
  • -
  • Sensor software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB4817
  • -
  • STM32Cube function pack for STEVAL-SMARTAG2 evaluation board with Dynamic NFC Tag, environmental, motion, and ambient light sensors
  • DB4839
  • -
  • STM32 MCU のコマンドラインツールセット
  • DB4859
  • -
  • Source measurement unit (SMU) and debugger/programmer for STM32 microcontrollers
  • DB4860
  • -
  • Multi-sensor AI data monitoring framework on wireless industrial node, function pack for STM32Cube
  • DB4865
  • -
  • STM32Cube function pack for STEVAL-STWINBX1 evaluation kit for high speed datalogging and ultrasound processing
  • DB4869
  • -
  • DSMPS software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB4872
  • -
  • STM32WBA Nucleo-64 board
  • DB4876
  • -
  • NFC dynamic tag sensor and processing node evaluation board
  • DB4903
  • -
  • Motor control Discovery kit with STM32G473QE MCU
  • DB4904
  • -
  • B-WL5M-SUBG1 - STM32WL connectivity expansion board
  • DB4912
  • -
  • Artificial intelligence (AI) developer cloud for STM32 microcontrollers
  • DB4927
  • -
  • STM32Cube embedded software for STM32H5 Series including LL/HAL drivers, USB, Crypto, secure manager API and RTOS
  • DB4928
  • -
  • Firmware package for DDR initialization and test on STM32 microprocessors
  • DB4929
  • -
  • Firmware package for one-time programmable (OTP) management on STM32 microprocessors
  • DB4946
  • -
  • STM32Cube embedded software for STM32WBA series including LL/HAL drivers, Bluetooth® 5.3, RTOS, and touch sensing
  • DB4956
  • -
  • FreeRTOS™ software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB4957
  • -
  • Discovery kit with STM32H573II MCU
  • DB4968
  • -
  • Secure manager embedded software for STM32Cube
  • DB4972
  • -
  • Linux® RT Expansion Package for STM32 MPU OpenSTLinux
  • DB4983
  • -
  • STM32 MPU OpenSTLinux software package for X-STM32MP1-MSP01 expansion board
  • DB5033
  • -
  • STM32H5 Amazon Web Services® IoT software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB5038
  • -
  • STM32H5 Microsoft® Azure® IoT software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB5045
  • -
  • STM32WB connectivity expansion board
  • DB5065
  • -
  • STM32Cube embedded software for STM32WB0 series including LL/HAL drivers and Bluetooth® Low Energy
  • DB5075
  • -
  • Discovery kit with STM32U5G9ZJ MCU
  • DB5111
  • -
  • Audio kit software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB5112
  • -
  • STM32Cube function pack for IO-Link applications controlling industrial IPS
  • DB5144
  • -
  • Matter software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB5152
  • -
  • STM32Cube Function Pack for high-speed datalogging of sensors data and motor control telemetries
  • DB5155
  • -
  • STM32CubeMP13 embedded software for STM32MP13x lines
  • DB5171
  • -
  • Discovery kit with STM32H7S7L8 MCU
  • DB5177
  • -
  • Discovery kit with STM32U083MC MCU
  • DB5194
  • -
  • STM32H7S7L8 Microsoft® Azure® IoT software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB5195
  • -
  • STM32H7S7L8 Amazon Web Services® IoT software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB5209
  • -
  • STM32Cube 向け STM32H7Rx/7Sx Azure® RTOS ソフトウェア拡張
  • DB5220
  • -
  • STM32Cube embedded software for STM32H7Rx/7Sx MCUs including LL/HAL drivers, USB, TCP/IP, file system, RTOS, and external memory manager
  • DB5225
  • -
  • STM32Cube embedded software for STM32U0 MCUs including LL/HAL drivers, USB, crypto, touch sensing, and RTOS
  • DB5229
  • -
  • Programming toolbox in source code for STM32 microprocessors
  • DB5245
  • -
  • STM32H7Rx/7Sx performance software expansion for STM32Cube
  • DB5262
  • -
  • Bluetooth® Low Energy expansion board based on the STM32WB05KN for STM32 Nucleo boards
  • DB5283
  • -
  • 7-inch WSVGA TFT LCD module with LVDS interface and capacitive touchscreen
  • DB5295
  • -
  • STM32CubeMP2 embedded software for STM32MP2 series
  • DB5306
  • -
  • Bluetooth low energy software expansion for STM32Cube
  • Declaration of Conformity for STM32MP135F-DK
  • -
  • Declaration of Conformity for STM32MP135F-DK
  • Demo products licence agreement
  • -
  • Demo products licence agreement
  • DS10619
  • -
  • Motion MEMS and environmental sensor expansion board for STM32 Nucleo
  • -
  • DT0012
  • -
  • Dual PMSM motor drive using STM32F303CB/CC peripherals in “time-sharing”
  • DT0026
  • -
  • Field oriented control of PMSM motor exploiting SLLIMM™ nano and STM32F302x/303x
  • DT0049
  • -
  • IFR configuration of BlueNRG/BlueNRG-MS using STM32ODE
  • DT0050
  • -
  • How to install and run the osxMotionFX Sensor Data Fusion library
  • DT0051
  • -
  • Quick guide on BLE RF technology: products, evaluation kits and software packages
  • DT0057
  • -
  • Compatibility of the X-NUCLEO-IDW01M1 Wi-Fi evaluation board with other X-NUCLEO boards
  • DT0061
  • -
  • Electromyogram application based on X-NUCLEO-IKA01A1 expansion board
  • DT0067
  • -
  • Running a simple 6LowPAN network consisting of one receiver node and one or more sensor nodes in a Sub-1GHz RF band
  • DT0075
  • -
  • MotionFX orientation estimation
  • DT0089
  • -
  • The Goertzel algorithm to compute individual terms of the discrete Fourier transform (DFT)
  • DT0094
  • -
  • KeeLoq RX application over S2-LP
  • DT0128
  • -
  • How to enable Unicast/Broadcast communication on S2-LP
  • DT0137
  • -
  • How to port an existing project from the BlueNRG-M2SA module to the BlueNRG-M2SP module
  • DT0142
  • -
  • BLE module integration design guidelines
  • -
  • Evaluation products license agreement
  • -
  • Evaluation products license agreement
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • FP-AUD-SMARTMIC1 Quick start guide
  • -
  • FP-AUD-SMARTMIC1 Quick start guide
  • FP-CLD-AWS1 quick start guide
  • -
  • FP-CLD-AWS1 quick start guide
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • FP-SNS-FLIGHT1 Quick start guide
  • -
  • FP-SNS-FLIGHT1 Quick start guide
  • FP-SNS-MOTENV1 quick start guide
  • -
  • FP-SNS-MOTENV1 quick start guide
  • -
  • -
  • FP-SNS-STBOX1 Quick Start Guide
  • -
  • FP-SNS-STBOX1_Quick_Start_Guide
  • Getting started with BlueNRG-LP, BlueNRG-LPS evaluation platforms
  • -
  • Getting started with BlueNRG-LP, BlueNRG-LPS evaluation platforms
  • Getting started with ST Quuppa tag emulation
  • -
  • Getting started with ST Quuppa tag emulation
  • New STM32H7A3/7B3 adding a unique balance of features to the STM32H7 series product presentation
  • -
  • -
  • NFC RFID – Dynamic Tags – Quick starting guide X-NUCLEO-NFC01A1
  • -
  • NFC RFID - Dynamic Tags - Quick starting guide X-NUCLEO-NFC01A1
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • Open Reference Material License Agreement v5
  • -
  • Open Reference Material License Agreement v5
  • Optimized Neural Networks on STM32 with STM32Cube.AI
  • -
  • -
  • P-NUCLEO-IKA02A1 Quick start guide
  • -
  • P-NUCLEO-IKA02A1 Quick start guide
  • Replace your segment display
  • -
  • -
  • RN0005
  • -
  • ST Assembler-Linker ASM 4.52, LYN 3.19, OBSEND 2.15
  • RN0011
  • -
  • ST Visual Programmer (STVP) release 3.4.0
  • RN0013
  • -
  • ST Visual Develop (STVD) release 4.3.11
  • RN0027
  • -
  • STM8S motor control firmware libray package release 1.0
  • RN0054
  • -
  • Description of STM8 LIN software package (STSW-STM8A-LIN) release 4.1
  • RN0058
  • -
  • STM-STUDIO-STM32 and STM-STUDIO-STM8 release 3.5.1
  • RN0079
  • -
  • STM32L-DISCOVERY and 32L152CDISCOVERY firmware package
  • RN0085
  • -
  • STM32 PMSM single/dual FOC SDK Release 4.3
  • RN0086
  • -
  • Description of STM8 LIN software package (STSW-STM8A-LIN) release 5.1
  • RN0087
  • -
  • STM32 embedded target for MATLAB® and Simulink® release 4.4.1
  • RN0093
  • -
  • Firmware upgrade for ST-LINK, ST-LINK/V2 and ST-LINK/V2-1 boards
  • RN0094
  • -
  • STM32CubeMX release note
  • RN0103
  • -
  • STM8CubeMX release 1.1.0
  • RN0104
  • -
  • STM32CubeMonRF release 2.3.0
  • RN0107
  • -
  • ST-LINK server
  • RN0108
  • -
  • STM32CubeMonitor-Power release 1.0.0
  • RN0109
  • -
  • STM32CubeProgrammer release 1.0.0
  • RN0111
  • -
  • ST-MCU-FINDER-PC release note
  • RN0113
  • -
  • STM32CubeMonitor-UCPD release 1.0.0
  • RN0114
  • -
  • STM32CubeIDE
  • RN0115
  • -
  • STLINK-V3 bridge API release v1.0.0
  • RN0119
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  • STM32CubeMonitor release v1.0.0
  • RN0132
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  • STM32Cube command-line toolset
  • Run advanced graphics using single-chip solution
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  • SLA0044
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  • SLA0047
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  • SLA0048
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  • Mix Liberty + OSS + 3rd- party V1 - SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT
  • SLA0051
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  • SLA0052
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  • SLA0055
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  • SLA0060
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  • SLA0068
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  • SLA0077
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  • SLA0078
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  • SLA0080
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  • SLA0081
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  • SLA0083
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  • Software license agreement
  • SLA0087
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  • SLA0094
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  • SLA0095
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  • Mix ODE+OSS+3rd-party Software License Agreement
  • -
  • ST Motor Control Suite
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  • STEVAL-STLKT01V1 Quick start guide
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  • STEVAL-STLKT01V1 Quick start guide
  • STM32 GUI solutions
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  • STM32 GUI solutions - Avanced HMI now achievable on embedded systems
  • STM32 GUI solutions – Advanced HMI now achievable on embedded systems
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  • 高度なHMI(ヒューマン・マシン・インタフ ェース)を組込みシステム上で実現
  • STM32 hardware debugging & programming tools
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  • Discover the STLINK portfolio
  • STM32 Power Shield Accurate Power Measurement presentation
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  • STM32C0 MCU series
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  • Entry level 32-bit MCU for cost-sensitive applications
  • STM32C0 Series Mainstream MCUs
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  • STM32Cube
  • Tools to support STM32 development
  • STM32Cube and Azure RTOS overview
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  • STM32Cube: Tools to support STM32 development
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  • STM32CubeIDE software licenses
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  • STM32CubeIDE software licenses
  • STM32CubeMonitor software licenses 1.0.0
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  • STM32CubeMonitor software licenses 1.0.0
  • STM32F401/10/11/12/13 High-performance Access lines
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  • STM32G4 Mainstream MCUs Product Overview
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  • STM32G4 Series Mainstream MCUs
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  • STM32H5 MCU series
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  • Most powerful Arm Cortex-M33 MCU yet
  • STM32H5 MCU Series: High Performance MCU based on Arm® Cortex® M-33
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  • STM32H7 series Powered by Arm® Cortex®-M7
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  • STM32H7 シリーズ : Arm® Cortex®-M7 & M4搭載マイクロコントローラ
  • STM32H723/733, STM32H725/735, STM32H730 Value lines MCUs for rich and complex application
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  • STM32H7R/S lines
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  • Unlocking new innovation possibilities with a scalable & secure bootflash MCU
  • STM32H7S78-DK FCC sDoC
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  • STM32H7S78-DK ISED sDoC
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  • STM32H7S78-DK UE DoC
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  • STM32H7S78-DK UKCA DoC
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  • STM32Trust An ecosystem for embedded security
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  • STM32Trust 組み込みセキュリティのエコシステム
  • STM32U0 series
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  • The latest generation of entry-level ultra-low-power MCUs
  • STM32U5 Series
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  • The flagship of ultra-low power MCUs with advanced graphics and security
  • STM32WB Wireless Series – Bluetooth LE™ 5.4 and IEEE 802.15.4
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  • STM32WBx0 Value line Bluetooth LE 5.2 & IEEE 802.15.4
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  • STM32WBxM Wireless Modules Bluetooth LE 5.3, Zigbee 3.0 and Thread product overview
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  • STM32WBxM Wireless Modules Bluetooth LE 5.4, Zigbee 3.0 and Thread product overview
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  • STM32WBxM Wireless Series – Bluetooth LE 5.4, Zigbee 3.0 and Thread
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  • TA0342
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  • Accurate power consumption estimation for STM32L1 series of ultra-low-power microcontrollers
  • TA0356
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  • USB Type-C™ and Power Delivery DisplayPort Alternate Mode
  • Take GUI to the next level
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  • TouchGFX: GUIの新たな可能性を切り拓く
  • TN0075
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  • Touch sensing software library (TSSL) frequently asked and anticipated questions (FAAQs)
  • TN0322
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  • Results of the conformance tests performed on STSW-STM8A-LIN software package
  • TN0830
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  • How to use EWARM 6.2x with projects built with EWARM 6.1 and previous versions
  • TN0946
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  • Results of the conformance tests performed on the STM8 LIN software package release 5.1
  • TN1163
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  • Description of WLCSP for microcontrollers and recommendations for its use
  • TN1177
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  • Migrating from STM32L15/6xRC-A to STM32L15/6xRC and from STM32L15/6xVC-A to STM32L15/6xVC
  • TN1199
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  • STM32F4 Audio Processing
  • TN1204
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  • Tape and reel shipping media for STM32 microcontrollers in BGA packages
  • TN1205
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  • Tape and reel shipping media for STM8 and STM32 microcontrollers in FPN packages
  • TN1206
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  • Tape and reel shipping media for STM8 and STM32 microcontrollers in QFP packages
  • TN1207
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  • Tape and reel shipping media for STM8 and STM32 microcontrollers in SO packages
  • TN1208
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  • Tape and reel shipping media for STM8 and STM32 microcontrollers in TSSOP and SSOP packages
  • TN1224
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  • Mounting instructions for SMD (surface mounting device) packages
  • TN1235
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  • Overview of the ST-LINK embedded in STM32 MCU Nucleo, Discovery Kits and Eval Boards
  • TN1238
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  • STMod+ interface specification for 32L496GDISCOVERY and 32F723EDISCOVERY boards
  • TN1347
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  • How to use the BlueNRG family devices with a CMSIS-DAP compliant probe
  • TN1387
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  • X-CUBE-SBSFU security evaluation method description
  • TN1433
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  • STM32マイクロコントローラおよびマイクロプロセッサのデバイス・マーキングのリファレンス図
  • TN1436
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  • Security advisory TN1436-ST-PSIRT: potential bypassing of Bluetooth® Low Energy Secure Connection authentication
  • TN1457
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  • Security advisory TN1457-ST-PSIRT: information about certified STM32Cube embedded software based on open source (TF-M and MCUboot)
  • TN1474
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  • Security bulletin TN1474-ST-PSIRT: Information on software-based microarchitectural timing side-channel attacks on MCUs with TrustZone for Armv8-M
  • TN1488
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  • Security advisory TN1488-ST-PSIRT: OpenThread “Missing Key ID Mode validation when processing 6LoWPAN frames” security vulnerability
  • TN1489
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  • Security bulletin TN1489-ST-PSIRT: Physical attacks on STM32 and STM32Cube firmware
  • TN1491
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  • Security advisory TN1491-ST-PSIRT: Keccak XKCP SHA-3 reference implementation issue impact on STM32 products
  • TN1492
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  • Security advisory TN1492-ST-PSIRT: Bypass of the CKS locking mechanism
  • TN1493
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  • Security advisory TN1493-ST-PSIRT: Impersonation in the Passkey entry protocol
  • TN1500
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  • Security advisory TN1500-ST-PSIRT: Improper isolation of protected secure resources
  • TN1514
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  • Security advisory TN1514-ST-PSIRT: STM32Cube software ETH hardware abstraction layer (HAL) tail pointer management issue
  • TN1518
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  • Security advisory TN1518-ST-PSIRT: STM32CubeWB secure memory access
  • TN1528
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  • Security advisory TN1528-ST-PSIRT: Impact of Mbed TLS security advisories released between 2022-07 and 2024-01 on STM32 embedded software
  • TouchGFX Demo on STM32H7S78-DK
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  • UL certificate Class B for STM32L0, STM32L1, STM32F0, STM32F2, STM32F3 and STM32F4
  • UM3014
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  • Getting started with X-CUBE-LocalVUI
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  • VDE Certificate Class B for STM32 and STM8 (2012)
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  • X-NUCLEO expansion boards motor control – Selection guide
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  • X-NUCLEO expansion boards motor control - Selection guide
  • X-NUCLEO-53L0A1 Quick start guide
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  • X-NUCLEO-53L0A1 Quick start guide
  • X-NUCLEO-53L1A1 Quick start guide
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  • X-NUCLEO-53L1A1 Quick start guide
  • X-NUCLEO-6180XA1 Quick start guide
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  • X-NUCLEO-6180XA1 Quick start guide
  • X-NUCLEO-CCA01M1 Quick start guide
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  • X-NUCLEO-CCA01M1 Quick start guide
  • X-NUCLEO-CCA02M1 Quick start guide
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  • X-NUCLEO-CCA02M1 Quick start guide
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  • X-NUCLEO-IDB04A1 Quick start guide
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  • X-NUCLEO-IDB04A1 Quick start guide
  • X-NUCLEO-IDB05A1 Quick start guide
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  • X-NUCLEO-IDB05A1 Quick start guide
  • X-NUCLEO-IDS01A4 Quick start guide
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  • X-NUCLEO-IDS01A4 Quick start guide
  • X-NUCLEO-IDS01A5 Quick start guide
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  • X-NUCLEO-IDS01A5 Quick start guide
  • X-NUCLEO-IDW01M1 Quick start user guide
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  • X-NUCLEO-IDW01M1 Quick start user guide
  • X-NUCLEO-IDW04A1 Quick start guide
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  • X-NUCLEO-IDW04A1 Quick start guide
  • X-NUCLEO-IHM01A1 Quick start guide
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  • X-NUCLEO-IHM01A1 Quick start guide
  • X-NUCLEO-IHM02A1 Quick start guide
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  • X-NUCLEO-IHM02A1 Quick start guide
  • X-NUCLEO-IHM03A1 Quick start guide
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  • X-NUCLEO-IHM03A1 Quick start guide
  • X-NUCLEO-IHM04A1 Quick start guide
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  • X-NUCLEO-IHM04A1 Quick start guide
  • X-NUCLEO-IHM05A1 Quick start guide
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  • X-NUCLEO-IHM05A1 Quick start guide
  • X-NUCLEO-IHM07M1 Quick start guide
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  • X-NUCLEO-IHM07M1 Quick start guide
  • X-NUCLEO-IHM08M1 Quick start guide
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  • X-NUCLEO-IHM08M1 Quick start guide
  • X-NUCLEO-IHM09M1 Quick start guide
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  • X-NUCLEO-IHM09M1 Quick start guide
  • X-NUCLEO-IHM11M1 Quick start guide
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  • X-NUCLEO-IHM11M1 Quick start guide
  • X-NUCLEO-IHM12A1 Quick start guide
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  • X-NUCLEO-IHM12A1 Quick start guide
  • X-NUCLEO-IHM13A1 Quick start guide
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  • X-NUCLEO-IHM13A1 Quick start guide
  • X-NUCLEO-IHM14A1_Quick start guide
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  • X-NUCLEO-IHM14A1_Quick start guide
  • X-NUCLEO-IKA01A1 Quick start guide
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  • X-NUCLEO-IKA01A1 Quick start guide
  • X-NUCLEO-IKS01A1 Quick start guide
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  • X-NUCLEO-IKS01A1 Quick start guide
  • X-NUCLEO-IKS01A2 Quick start guide
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  • X-NUCLEO-IKS01A2 Quick start guide
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  • X-NUCLEO-IPS02A1 Quick start guide
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  • X-NUCLEO-IPS02A1 Quick start guide
  • X-NUCLEO-LED16A1 Quick start guide
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  • X-NUCLEO-LED16A1 Quick start guide
  • X-NUCLEO-LED61A1 Quick start guide
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  • X-NUCLEO-LED61A1 Quick start guide
  • X-NUCLEO-NFC01A1 FCC declaration of conformity
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  • X-NUCLEO-NFC01A1 FCC declaration of conformity
  • X-NUCLEO-NFC02A1 Quick start guide
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  • X-NUCLEO-NFC02A1 Quick start guide
  • X-NUCLEO-NFC04A1 Quick start guide
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  • X-NUCLEO-NFC04A1 Quick start guide
  • X-NUCLEO-NFC05A1_Quick_start_guide
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  • X-NUCLEO-NFC05A1_Quick_start_guide
  • X-NUCLEO-PLC01A1 Quick start guide
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  • X-NUCLEO-PLC01A1 Quick start guide